Governor Quinns Assault on the 2nd

If he has his way, you can be put in Prison for 2 to 5 years for possession of an AIR RIFLE. Click here to learn how.

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Work Hard! 46.5 MILLION people on Food Stamps Depend on you!

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Mistake by the Lake?

Does Illinois have a Chicago problem? Or is Chicago just an easy scapegoat to justify apathy?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Our National Debt is no Joke

This will be short and to the point.  When you think of 15 trillion dollars, can you fathom what that actually is?  Lets see:

We've all seen the 100 dollar bill, no doubt


Some of us may even have seen a stack of cash this large:  $10,000

$10,000 Dollars

But our national debt, as it sounds right now, is well over $15,000,000,000,000 (15 trillion) ... but what does that look like?


Let's start very's 1 million dollars...

One Million Dollars

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2011, the Average Per Capita personal income in the United States was $27,915 ... at this rate, it would take the average American worker 36 years of tax free income, saving every penny and never spending a single dime to accumulate the stack of cash above.

Most people swear their problems would be solved with 1 million about yours?  No?  What about a BILLION dollars?

One Billion Dollars

NOW we're getting somewhere!!!  But more to the point - so far we're just giving you a point of reference...what does this all have to do w/ the national debt though?  Remember, well past the threshold of 15 trillion!

WELL!  Lets take a look at what ONE TRILLION DOLLARS looks like

One Trillion Dollars
This is, roughly, the amount of money that OUR GOVERNMENT borrowed in the year 2010 just to remain operational.  This is what they BORROWED after they SPENT what they ALREADY took from us!  You could spend $1,000,000 a day, every single day, since the birth of Christ, and you STILL would not come close to 1 trillion dollars.  In fact, you'd come closer to the 2008 Big Bank Bailout by Bush & later, to a much larger portion, Obama...coming in at about 700 billion.

So what about our national debt?  Finally...lets take a look:

15 Trillion Dollars

If you were to stack bills neatly, this would be a to-scale model of what that stack of cash would look like equal to our national debt.  Feeling nauseous yet?  Well, hold onto your butts, because the next image is where we're headed w/ the current leadership is allowed to continue spending like a spoiled teenager w/ the parents no limit credit card.

114.5 trillion dollars (where we are headed)

The model on the far right represents The United States unfunded liabilities, which totals $114.5 trillion dollars.  And yes, this is to scale...and is the primary reason your grandpa wasn't lying when he said "back in my day, you could buy a ______ for a nickel"

That's because our dollar has been printed into oblivion.  A Nickel, back then, was worth something, today, it actually costs more than twice the amount of money to create a nickel that the nickel its self is worth.  The more dollars there are, the less they're worth, since our dollar is not backed by any tangible goods.  Our faith keeps the dollar going... which has gotten us in a very bad place and it's only going to get worse.

A wise man would be preparing.